This Week With the GeekMoms

Helene has been busily working on getting her latest creation, Lady Astrid’s Laboratory, up and running smoothly. She has also been continuing her frenzied preparations for Intervention, while fighting off the summer cold that has gripped her entire house. Alexandra Siy has been traveling most of the summer, her latest trip to the White Mountains […]

San Diego Comic-Con: Thank You Cosplayers!

If there’s one thing that’s universally true about fan conventions, it’s that there will be cosplay. In the case of San Diego, many people who are packing away this year’s costume as I write are also planning next year’s costume in their heads. Serious cosplayers don’t just raid the local costume shop at Halloween. They painstakingly […]

The French Side Of… Steampunk Crafts

Crafts and costumes are a great part of steampunk world (and fun!). You may know some American steampunk designers, such as Tom Banwell or Dr Grymm. Here are a few French ones, in three very different styles and very different medias. Volute Corsets What’s more Victorian than corsets? Beautiful, sexy, elegant, intricate, austere… one may […]

Storm And Paul Is Their Cover Band Name

They are the opening band. I have yet to throw my panties on the stage – but when I do, they will be unique and geeky. My husband introduced me to the The Captain’s Wife’s Lament and Nun Fight a couple of years ago. When I heard these songs, by two guys who have obvious musical talent, I was an […]