Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong

I have to admit, when I was sent a review copy of Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong, a YA graphic novel by Prudence Shen and illustrated by Faith Erin Hicks, I wasn’t as excited as I could be. In Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong Hicks was only doing the art.
But I should have trusted that Hicks wouldn’t collaborate on something unless it was worth her mad skills. I, and my two teens, very much enjoyed it. Amusing dialogue, great art (duh), and characters that have fun with their stereotypes, tossing or flaunting them at a whim.

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Make Me Laugh!

SOMEONE MAKE ME LAUGH, DAMMIT! Ah-hem. Yeah, so to keep me from ripping my children’s heads off for no particular reason other than they seem to be there all the time, I’ve found some web channels that lighten the mood. Sometimes I even watch them with my kids. The channels have multiple funny videos; here are my favorites. Hope you enjoy them too!

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Geek Celebrates Hanukkah With Science: Day Eight

It’s been another wonderful science-driven holiday season! We’ve experimented with balloons that blast-off, nearly unsinkable dinghies, delicious math candies, stackable liquids, desiccated dancers, split light, and put a minature Jaques Cousteau in a bottle. Tonight we’re going to give Hanukkah a fine send-off with another trick of the light.   I got the idea for […]

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Geek Celebrates Hanukkah With Science: Day Five

It’s Hanukkah, and in my house that means it’s time to celebrate with science! Tonight, we poured some bubbly and drowned our…raisins. Well, we tried to drown them, but raisins are surprisingly good swimmers. In the video above, my five-year-old explains how “The Raisin Lifting Experiment” works, but even after the experiment was finished and […]

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Geek Celebrates Hanukkah With Science: Day Three

Unconventional holiday traditions are fun for the whole family! So far this year, my family has celebrated Hanukkah by launching rockets indoors and constructing small boats in order to sink them. Today we’re delving deeper, into the very language of science. That’s right; it’s math time. Roger Bacon said, “Mathematics is the gate and key […]

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Geek Celebrates Hanukkah With Science: Day Two

Hanukkah is the festival of lights, and in my family, we celebrate with illuminating science experiments. Yesterday, we launched a balloon rocket, and today we’re sinking ships. Well, tin foil boats, actually, but this small experiment holds greater drama than you might expect. We thought it would be a simple to float and then sink […]

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