hatchling quiz feature

A Springtime Quiz on Famous Fictional Hatchlings

Books Holidays TV and Movies

From fantasy critters to horror movie icons to favorite video game characters, many cool creatures come from eggs. Some of these are very familiar, and some might not be anything special… until they hatch.

A couple of years ago, I talked about some of the famous eggs in science fiction and fantasy in a special quiz, and now here’s the sequel! Let’s take a look at what comes out of them. Hatchlings, if you will.

In celebration of the rebirth that comes with springtime, let’s see how many of these “hatchlings” you might remember:

1. This alien first “hatched” from his eggship in Boulder, CO in September of 1978 and started the career of one of the most successful actors and comedians of his time. Fun fact: his first appearance was actually on Happy Days earlier that year… and the audience loved him.


2. “In space, no one can hear you scream.” The movie poster for Alien, the first of at least five sequels, features a single egg that hatched what famous movie baddie? Also, what is the name of the egg itself?


3. Aww, aren’t they cute? When the original Jurassic Park movie was released, we saw the birth of these little “birds of prey” hatching in the lab of John Hammond. These little beasts are not so cute once they mature and were a main menace in the movie.


4. In the first Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, we learn the eggs of these winged, serpentine animals from East India are made of pure silver. They can be very valuable… and quite heavy.


5. This spotted egg “hatches” three special items when hit in certain Mario Kart games. About five years ago Nintendo tried to break an Instagram record of getting the most “likes” for a simple picture of this egg. It is the special item that belongs to what favorite character?

yoshi egg

6. Horror movie fans might recognize this 2022 Finnish psychological thriller, aptly named Hatching in some countries. Some critics said it was one of the best horrors of the year. A young girl with a demanding mother brings home an egg she finds, and when it hatches… what comes out?


7. I mentioned these famous eggs from Game of Thrones in my quiz two years ago, but do you remember the names of all three of the dragons that hatched? Also, one of them had a rather icy fate. What was it?


8. Here is some nummy egg lore. These German chocolate eggs that hatched surprise toys were made illegal in the United States due to regulations that food items cannot contain non-food items within them. The company later made a different design in the U.S. that had the toy in a separate section of the egg itself. What is the company’s item that had the toys?


9. In the 1940 Dr. Seuss classic Horton Hatches the Egg, Horton the Elephant sits on and takes care of his bird friend Mayzie’s egg while she takes a very extended vacation to Palm Beach in this tale of loyalty and determination. Ultimately, when the egg hatches, what comes out?


1o. Finally, here’s one for the Pokemon lovers. The cute egg with red and blue triangle shapes hatches what character?


How many did you get right?

Did you crack the case? Click here for the answers.

No matter how many you got right, I hope you enjoyed this quiz and have an “eggcellent” spring.

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