Beloved Board Books in the First Year

Books Entertainment

Every child has a handful of books that they request over… and over… and over again. These are the books you have to leave on the shelf even when you swap out the others for variety, the books you and your child probably have memorized, the books you will both one day look back on with nostalgia (or perhaps with a discrete roll of your eyes). Here are some of those books in our household from my daughter’s first year of life.

Black Cat & White Cat by Claire Garralon

One of the first books that my daughter ever enjoyed was Black Cat & White Cat by Claire Garralon. High-contrast images like the ones found in this book are known to be beneficial to newborns’ visual development and concentration. From just a few days old, my daughter would gaze intently at the illustrations for long stretches of time, and she eventually started cooing and reaching toward the book, too. I would read it to her while snuggled on the couch or place it upright on the floor near her play space. Now that she is older and has a love for our two cats (one of whom is black), I’m excited to bring this book back into the rotation! It is a sweet story of two cats who want to play together and must find a place where the yin and yang of their personalities can both be accommodated.

Similar Bonus Book: Look, Look! by Peter Linenthal

All About Me by Dawn Sirett

The next book on our list is All About Me by Dawn Sirett. What a delightful read! Real photographs of diverse babies decorate each page alongside a poem about their tiny noses, chubby legs, and other adorable features. Around nine months old, I noticed my daughter delighting in pictures of other babies, so I updated her shelf accordingly, thus introducing All About Me. What really made this one stand out were its sturdy, full-page flaps which alternate directions throughout the book. Over time, this is the book that taught my daughter how to operate flaps, which is still a big hit for her as a toddler. Now that she is beginning to identify body parts, this is another book that will be making a comeback!

Similar Bonus Book: Making Faces: A First Book of Emotions by Abrams Appleseed

My Big Word Book by Roger Priddy

I believe that word books are a staple in any child’s library. They help build vocabulary and often promote valuable comprehension skills like categorization and comparison. As far as word books go, Roger Priddy’s My Big Word Book is pretty much perfection in my eyes. It measures more than ten inches in both height and length, making it attractive on the shelf and easy for little hands to grasp. It features brightly colored photographs of real animals, vehicles, household items, and more, all of which will be relevant and recognizable in most children’s everyday lives. Each page also includes an extension question to invite an older child’s engagement. Although it may not be as exciting for the adult reader as a book with a narrative, older infants and toddlers will be absolutely captivated by My Big Word Book—my daughter included! Seeing her body calm and her breathing slow as she concentrates deeply on each word and picture makes my teacher’s heart sing. I have also noticed that when we have company, our friends and family members who are less familiar with reading aloud to a child find comfort in the simple, declarative nature of this word book.

Similar Bonus Book: First 100 Words by Roger Priddy

Sleep Tight With the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

We were privileged to receive this book from my daughter’s pediatrician after one of her milestone appointments. We keep Sleep Tight with the Very Hungry Caterpillar and a selection of other bedtime stories on a shelf by our bed. I would estimate that it has been requested nine out of ten nights since we received it! Between the nostalgia of my own childhood and the lovely painted illustrations, I am always a sucker for anything by Eric Carle. In Sleep Tight with the Very Hungry Caterpillar, our famous little friend passes his insect and animal neighbors, all of whom are settling down as the sun sets. My daughter loves opening and closing the flaps on each page to say good night to the characters. As she gets older, I envision her practicing the literacy skill of prediction before revealing who is behind each flap. However, by then, she will probably just be reciting it from memory. I know I sure can!

Similar Bonus Book: The Very Lonely Firefly’s Nighttime Friends by Eric Carle

The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith

Last but certainly not least on our list is The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith. This is a cult classic in our household. Despite working as a preschool teacher at the time of its publishing in 2018, I had somehow never heard of The Wonky Donkey until one quiet afternoon this past summer. While observing my daughter at play, I decided that we could use some music. I selected a random children’s playlist on Spotify. “The Wonky Donkey (Slow),” the beloved story put to music, began with its charming guitar. For the first time ever, my daughter started smiling and bouncing along to the song! She loved it more and more with each repetition. Soon, her Nana and Papa learned about her fascination, which led to their discovery of the board book and accompanying stuffed animal. The Wonky Donkey is a goofy, tongue-twisting story about a truly unique caricature of a donkey. The refrain builds upon itself with each verse, and by the end of the book, you will be laughing too hard to read it aloud! With its catchy rhymes, striking illustrations, and a classic fart joke for good measure, I’m sure we will be loving this book well into my daughter’s elementary years.

Similar Bonus Book: The Dinky Donkey by Craig Smith

These are just a few of our most beloved board books from my daughter’s first year. I can’t wait to see what we will be reading together a year from now! What books did/does your child love as an infant and toddler?

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