Improve Communication With Trees, maps, and theorems by Jean-luc Doumont

Highly powered writers I respect recently recommended the book Trees, maps, and theorems by Dr. Jean-luc Doumont as a set of coherent recommendations for improving communications, and I am happy to report I can now concur, and I look forward to trying to catch one of his talks on his US tour.

As a science/technical writer, I often hope to write the book, the document, the instructions that rescue someone in particular need. Similarly, I often hope that some book or document will save me, have the juju I need to solve a particular problem.

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From NaNoWriMo to Sold

I first heard about National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo in 2007, halfway through November.  This is where millions of people, all over the world, attempt to each write 50k in the month of November.  I attempted to join it, and was actually working on something that month, but I couldn’t figure out their word count […]

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Re-Entering the Job Market

I talked about being a stay at home mom in my last post, but I’m preparing to re-enter the job market. The thought of working outside the home is a rather terrifying thought to me. I’ve been in school for the last two years and I’m due to graduate with a degree in Medical Office […]

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Cursive Writing: A Nod To The Past

How many people actually write letters anymore? Letter writing along with cursive script is going the way of the dinosaurs if it is not extinct already. With so many alternative and quicker ways to communicate, what is the point of writing something down with a pen on paper? Fellow GeekMom Kathy questioned teaching “script” to […]

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Children: Natural Born Storytellers

Anyone who has ever watched children play knows they are not merely building with blocks, squishing clay, or coloring with crayons. They are telling themselves a story the whole time, building a world and creating characters as they “play”. Because of that natural born love of a good story, it often doesn’t take much to […]

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Kenn Amdahl Makes Learning Fun

Educational reference materials don’t have to be dry and boring. There are ways to teach important topics to children (and adults) in ways that are interesting and entertaining, but most textbooks don’t lay out their material this way; we often must turn to supplemental resources for this kind of teaching. One author, Kenn Amdahl, has […]

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