The stats of what choices players made while playing the Walking Dead DLC 400 Days.

GeekMom Plays! The Walking Dead: 400 Days

GeekMom YouTube and Streaming

Welcome back to the last episode of GeekMom Plays! The Walking Dead: 400 Days. In this final episode, Tim and I play through Wyatt’s story. There are quite a few curse words uttered besides the blood and zombies.

The stats of what choices players made while playing the Walking Dead DLC 400 Days.
The stats of what choices players made while playing the Walking Dead DLC 400 Days.

Spoilers ahead:

Wyatt and his friend are being chased by a truck and find themselves out in the middle of some dark forested area. There are many utterances of the word dude, and possibly a drinking game was started by Tim and me because of this fact. (Tim mentions Kraken Spiced Rum during the game. If you are curious about Kraken Spiced Rum, there are many reviews on the internet.) My favorite part of this story was playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. Yes. Really.

The epilogue was surprising. I thought more people would come with me. I’ll be interested to see if the characters show up in the next game even though they didn’t decide to come with me.

As a side note, we did look up gorked and found that it is a slang term for unconscious. There you go, we learned something from gaming.

If you missed the other episodes in our Let’s Play series, you can find them on our YouTube page.

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