Zen Alarm Clock by Now & Zen

I’m a meditation geek and whenever I can find a new app or tool to include in my practice, I like to try it out. The Zen Alarm Clock by Now & Zen is my newest mediation tool and so far I’m loving it. You can use it as an alarm clock, interval timer, countdown timer and a meditation timer. I’m currently using it mostly as an alarm clock.

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Pixar Week: Why Do We Love Pixar Films?

During these weeks leading up to the release of Brave, we GeekMoms have been happily discussing our favorite Pixar films, our favorite characters, and our favorite storylines. Also, we’ve been sharing memories of our first Pixar films and our first experiences with taking our kids to Pixar films on the big screen. At the end of Pixar week, we ask why we love Pixar so much.

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The Greatest Show on Earth

Did you know the term geek originated from the circus?  It was originally used to describe “a performer engaging in bizarre act.” Even some of our comic book heroes owe their look and some abilities to the circus. Dick Grayson is a perfect example. Before his parents died, his family was the circus. The skills […]

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Review of The Whisper Jar by Carole Lanham

  This past Halloween weekend, I spent my nights engrossed in a book of short stories that was well-written, intriguing, and surprisingly, incredibly hard to put down. The Whisper Jar, by author Carole Lanham, speaks to the little kid in us grown-up GeekMoms that still like fairy tales, but with a deliciously wicked and weird […]

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Zombie Race for Charity & Lots of Laughs!

  A few days ago, I had the distinct privilege of competing in the only race I have ever been in, not counting elementary school field days. Every year, my town of Shreveport, Louisiana has two different charity events: Run with the Nuns, a motorcycle rally that benefits children’s health programs in our community, and […]

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What Time Is It? Adventure Time!

Have you seen this strange cartoon that appears Monday nights, on Cartoon Network? It’s called Adventure Time, and I have to admit, my whole family is in love with it. When I say that it is strange, I mean that it is like no other cartoon you have ever watched before. When I say that […]

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Anybody Want a Peanut?

No, I’m not trying to give away my oldest son. (Michael’s nickname since the day he was born, almost 14 years ago, has been Peanut.) I’m quoting my favorite movie of all time, The Princess Bride. Although it was released when I was only ten years old, I really got into watching it when I […]

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Give Geeks a Chance

Not every person that calls themselves a Nerd or a Geek has been an outcast. We weren’t all the last one picked for the team in gym or the only one without a date to the big dance. We didn’t all wear thick black glasses held together with tape, or play video games, or read […]

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