Ergo, Ouch: The Pain of Technology Designed Without People in Mind

After years of typing, it came out of nowhere: an aching, stabbing, tingling pain in my arms and hands. My primary complaint was a throbbing ache followed by pinpricks of fiery pain on my fingers, like someone putting out cigarettes on my skin. I couldn’t work with my hands in any capacity, and I couldn’t sleep. Nothing seemed to work to alleviate the pain. Not ibuprofen, not acetaminophen, not painkillers. I had carpal tunnel.

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Women in Technology: Get With the Picture

As a woman in technology, I hear a lot about the lack of women in the field. While I was in college I noticed that I was usually the only female in the class. My teachers treated me the same and the guys never cared. After I graduated and I started attending events like Microsoft’s annual Tech Ed, I realized just how much of a minority we are. The thing that keeps catching my attention, though, is how much of an issue people want to make out of it.

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