The Lego Version of Felix’s Massive Jump

f you’re like many of the GeekMom writers you spent part of your Sunday watching Felix Baumgarten do a freefall from space. Some of us watched it live. Some of us decided to make sure all went well before we tuned in. Some watched live, but peeked through their fingers the whole time. It was a pretty amazing feat that was worth tuning in for.

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501st Legion Kid Bash

Last weekend, I had the amazing opportunity to take part in Star Wars Celebration VI. Attending the convention was just one part of my experience. The other part, was volunteering as the 501st Legion Kid Bash Coordinator. Running alongside the Imperial Bash, the Kid Bash was a party just for the kids of 501st Legion members. The event was a huge success and thanks to some very special sponsors, each child went home with a swag bag all their own.

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Hack Build With Chrome for Pink Legos!

Josh Rowe, the creative director for Build with Chrome, let me in on a little Easter Egg. Legos come in all sorts of colors, but not so for Build. It turns out there were some issues with “WebGL shaders work and the complexity of the 3D scenes.” In other words, they could make it fast, or they could offer 150 colors. They went with fast. I’d say that’s a good call. Here’s how you get pink back.

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