Smile and Don’t Pick Your Nose: Reolink C1 ProHD Camera Review

“It is a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door.” Wise words from Bilbo Baggins and ones I take very much to heart. Bilbo may have had a different meaning with those words but they speak volumes to me. Bilbo was not referring to home security when he said this, but we should all listen to Bilbo and make sure we and our families are as safe as possible. If you’re looking to add an indoor security camera, the Reolink C1 ProHD will be a wonderful addition to your security solution.

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  A friend of mine just sent me a link to a marvelous photography blog. I’m enchanted with these self-portraits of Natsumi Hayashi- who always photographs herself levitating. That’s right, let me say that again – these are SELF-PORTRAITS! After years of following the Adventures of the Dancing Kids, I guess I’m a sucker for […]

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